
The Best Exercises for Back Muscles

To build a big, wide, v taper back you must apply the correct training exercises to this big muscle group. These exercises must be of a high enough intensity to cause muscle stimulation. They must break down the muscle tissue within the back, so that when you rest and eat your body will be forced to add muscle mass to that area. Here are the best exercises for overall back development.
Bent over barbell rows
Bent over barbell rows
For a thick, muscular, strong back perform bent over barbell rows. These are great at developing the upper back. They will engorge you traps, lats and all the support muscles with blood, producing an intense pump.
Chin Ups
Chin Ups
Chin ups are one of the best exercises if not the best exercise for building a huge back. They are hard, but the pain will be worth it. They are great at developing the lats, the muscle that greats a wide v taper look. They also indirectly workout you biceps and forearms, for the grip.
Cable pull downs
Cable pull downs
Add plenty of weight to these and reap the benefits. Pull the cable all the way down to your chest and then all the way back up for a nice stretch in you back. Use a belt or chain to hold yourself down to the bench, because you will soon be lifting more than your bodyweight.
For those insane looking bulges of muscle on your neck and shoulder, perform shrugs. Either with a dumbbell or barbells. Make it heavy and high reps. This will pump up your traps and give you a wide, thick neck and shoulders.
Perform these exercises with each back workout and you won’t be disappointed. Stay consistent and motivated and you will see gains. Achieving a big, wide, thick back will add so much to you frame. You will look huge and will feel great. Building strength in you back will also aid in other lifts, especially things like the bench press and dips. As the back is the opposite muscle and will cause stabilization and extra strength in the opposing muscle groups.



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