Press the dumbbells to an extended elbow, parallel arm position above the chest.
Rotate the dumbbells to a neutral grip.
Slightly flex the elbows and point them out to the sides.
This is the starting point for all repetitions. DOWNWARD MOVEMENT Allow the dumbbells to lower in a wide arc until they are level with the shoulders or chest.
Keep the dumbbell bars parallel to each other as the elbows move downward.
Keep the wrists rigid and the elbows held in a slightly flexed position.
Keep the dumbbells in line with the elbows and shoulders. UPWARD MOVEMENT Pull the dumbbells up toward each other in a wide arc back to the starting position.
Keep the wrists rigid and the elbows held in a slightly flexed position.
Keep the dumbbells in line with the elbows and shoulders.
Repeat or finish set.
Exercise The Right Way – The Flat Dumbbell Fly