Who else is looking for a safe, easy and 100% natural way to boost testosterone? If you are anything like most of our readers, the truth is, over the age of 25 or so… you are losing more testosterone with every passing month, and this can have a bevy of negative side effects across all sorts of male performance metrics. (from the bedroom, to the boardroom the beach and beyond).
Simply stated, testosterone is linked to body mass, energy, mood, performance, sexual virility and so much more.
Let’s look at some of the various ways to increase testosterone naturally from around the web below including, some unusual approaches like meditation, deep breathing exercises (like Wim Hoff breath work) cold showers, and more
Lift Weights. Yes, there are many ways to stay in shape these days that DON’T require hitting the weight room in the gym. But when it comes to boosting testosterone through actual exercise, weight resistance training remains one of the very best ways to make it happen, naturally… and in a hurry. Some of our readers claim that lifting weights, even in moderation, can lead to 7-10% improvements in testosterone levels over a 2 month training period.
High interval training. (HIT) This is simply exercise based on EXPLOSIVE movements, over very short periods of time, with high intensity “bursts” repeated frequently. This is well known to be an easy way to improve all sorts of health markers for men, and testosterone levels are just one of the “healthy” hormone increases you’ll see from this sort of routine.
Dietary changes can be a HUGE help in naturally increasing testosterone, and in 2 very decidedly different directions. Intermittent fasting has been shown to increase testosterone in 24 hours or less, often by large percentage increases.
16, 20 or even 24 hour fasts (no calories, only water) offer a bevy of benefits including potential longevity and anti-aging potentials as well
On the other side of the dietary spectrum, increasing the amount of good fat in your diet can lead to dramatic natural gains in testosterone. Avocado, salmon, oily fish, nuts, seeds are all recommended for those of you looking for great gains without drugs, supplements or over the counter treatments.
Lastly, meditation is a great way to get all sorts of natural improvements in many hormones that regulate sexual performance, energy levels and more. Why? Cortisol, the stress hormone, is a well known drain on testosterone levels and meditation is a great way of reducing cortisol, as well as increasing all sorts of other “feel good” hormones in the brain, and body… and some believe, beyond!
What about you? What do you do to keep your system in optimal shape, especially as you age? Whatever your strategy is, and regardless of how “low” you may go, the good news is, there are many natural, safe and effective ways to improve “T” at any age, and the tips above are a great place to begin.