
Top 5 Bodybuilding Workouts for Beginners

Bodybuilding workouts for beginners is usually a little different than for experienced folks. To start out with, you will probably lift fewer pounds and you want your body to get used to using your muscles in a weight lifting way.
We will in this article go through some exercises and tips about bodybuilding workouts for beginners and if you apply them to your daily routine, you will start to see results very soon.
The Workouts It is recommend that the bodybuilding workouts for beginners should be started out with machines and then gradually be shifted over to free weights.

 Bodybuilding Workouts for Beginners
#1 – Chest PressThe chest press machine is great to start out with because you get the hang of using your chest muscles. Besides using the chest muscle with this machine, you also make use of your shoulders and triceps.
After a week or two, you should go over to the bench press and start out slow. If the bench press does not feel comfortable, then start out with the smith machine.
#2 – ButterflyThe butterfly is another excellent exercise that should be included in the bodybuilding workouts for beginners, as it targets your chest muscles in a good way. When you feel comfortable with this exercise, you can move over to be doing chest flyers with dumbbells, either on a flat bench, an incline bench or a decline bench.
#3 – Lats Pull DownThe lats pull down is a great exercise for your lat muscle and much of your back area. This is not only among the bodybuilding workouts for beginners, but experienced lifters also make use of it.
This routine should always be in your bodybuilding workouts for beginners, but when you feel like a variety and feel comfortable enough you can move over to the dead lift. The dead lift is a tough exercise, so get your hands on a muscle building program or contact a coach so that you know exactly how to lift it.
#4- Shoulder PressThe shoulder press machine is among the great bodybuilding workouts for beginners. It targets your shoulders and triceps.
When you feel comfortable doing the shoulder press, you should try lifting free weights with a barbell and dumbbells and you can switch between sitting and standing.
#5 – Leg PressThe leg press is another awesome exercise that focus on your lower body. When you feel comfortable with this exercise, you can try out the squat exercise, either with free weights or with a smith machine.



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