
3 Effective Home Workouts for Your Back

Most of us are left dealing with a strained back, thanks to our sedentary lifestyles and wrong posture. It is no surprise to see most of us complaining of back aches, even at a young age. Well, there are some solutions and we can look for some effective ways to train our back at home and with dumbbells. We just cannot afford to neglect the upper back and its training as there is so much muscle found in the upper back. You can easily burn a lot of calories by training that area.
Fortunately, there are many effective different exercises and with variations that we can do our workouts and enjoy them a lot more at home and keep our back fit and fine. It is true that there are adjustable bar or a chin-up bar where one can do inverted bodyweight exercises. However, this will leave us with dumbbells, bench and a ball that we can use at home.
Dumbbell Pullover
Dumbbell Pullover

In the first exercise, we need to be a bit conservative when performing this one as overdoing this exercise can lead to injury if you are putting on too much weight. This exercise trains your abs, chest, and lats.
One way to do this exercise is by lying regularly on a bench. And hold the dumbbell over your chest and bend your arms slightly, while lowering the dumbbell Hold the dumbbell.  You will be using your lats and can feel a stretch. As you get the DB closer to the chest, you can feel the chest muscles beginning to do most of the work. Another variation to the DB Pullover could be by lying across a bench.
Dumbbell Row
Dumbbell Row

This is the next exercise. Start with the basic DB Row and place the left hand and knee on the bench and keep the right leg slightly bent. The butt should be back and back flat and the abs braced. Keep elbow close and into your side and row the DB up from complete extension and up to your hip.
Do an elbow out DB Row so as to add a twist and target your upper back and lats differently. Use using your hand and knee to get support on the bench and remove the support system. You can do this exercises with one arm or with both arms.
Just follow those dumbbell exercises and add variety in training the upper back and within the comforts of your home and without the need of any fancy equipment and jeep your back in good shape.


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