
Biceps Injuries During Muscle Building

Injuries are common in bodybuilding. Sometimes, they happen due to wrong execution techniques during workouts. This time, we’re going to reveal three types of biceps injuries that are common among bodybuilders and athletes in various sports.
Biceps Injuries
1. Biceps Tendon Dislocation
Biceps tendon dislocation is a common injury among American football quarterbacks. Nevertheless, this injury may also happen to bodybuilders. It is usually caused by sudden jerking motion of the forearm. This causes the ligament to cross over the tendon, causing the tendon to dislocate. Signs of dislocated tendon include frontal shoulder pain and popping or clicking sound in the shoulder. Perhaps the most painful part of this injury is that a dislocated biceps tendon cause sharp pain whenever the arm is moved. Usually, emergency treatment of tendon dislocation includes applying ice on the tendon area. The injured arm also needs to be rested with the aid of an arm sling; this prevents the person to move the injured arm. For bodybuilders, this means that there is no heavy lifting with the injured arm for at least one week. After that period of time, bodybuilders must be very careful not to cause another injury or make the injury worse. If your tendon dislocation is categorized as chronic, you will need a surgery as soon as possible to fix it.
2. Biceps Tendon Tear
The biceps muscle is located in the front part of your upper arms. It enables you to bend your elbow and rotate your arms. Another basic and crucial function of the biceps muscle is to keep your shoulders stable. Therefore, tendon tear may cause you to lose some strength in your arms. In most cases, tendon tear occur due to extreme heavy lifting. However, the tear is usually progressive in nature; it happens over a long period of time without you realizing it. This is perhaps a normal cause considering you are in the bodybuilding sports. The deadlift is the most prominent culprit. There are two types of biceps tendon tears; the partial tears as well as the complete tears. As the name suggested, partial tears mean that the tendon is not completely severed. Complete tear, on the other hand, means that the tendon is split completely into two. Biceps tendon tear is also associated with age; the older you are, the higher the risk of getting a tendon tear. For chronic cases, you might require a surgery. Our advice is watch out for sudden sharp pain in the upper arm, loud popping or snapping sound or pain and tenderness at the shoulder and elbow. You might have torn your biceps tendons.
3. Biceps Tendon Impingement Syndrome
This injury has a very special name because it is associated with feeling pinched or impinged in the shoulder when the arm is moved. Extreme cases of biceps tendon impingement syndrome may lead to fringed tendon, which in the long term will lead to biceps tendon rupture. Partial tear requires ample rest of the biceps muscles while complete tears will need a surgery to fix.



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