Nowadays, we eat a lot of fast food products but we should eat more products in their natural state. Every time you go to the grocery store you should think about how the products you buy (and eat) are going to affect your health. It is smart to make a plan on what you will eat at the beginning of the week and buy only the necessary products. Try to avoid bringing fast food to your house because if there will be no fast food around you, you won’t eat it. It’s as simple as that!
A healthy diet isn’t about not allowing yourself to eat a certain food group – it’s about eating the right amount of all nutrients at the right time. Different experts suggest different carbohydrate, protein and fat proportions so it’s hard to say what composition of those 3 components is the best. I would suggest to intake at least 1 gram of protein per pound of your bodyweight. Enough proteins will help you not to feel hungry and provide you with the right amount of amino acids.
Just remember not to consume all of the proteins in one meal, you must split the amount among all of your meals.
Eating enough proteins is critical for you if you want that six pack abs but the rest of the calories you need you can get from eating carbohydrates and fats.
Cheese, beef, fish and chicken all give you a lot of protein but it doesn’t contain enough carbohydrate. So that’s why you should also concentrate on eating enough bread, rice and pasta. Natural peanut butter, sunflower seeds and nuts are among the best sources of fat for someone who wants six pack abs.
When choosing what to eat you must also look at the vitamins and minerals that this food contains. You should start reading labels and calculating calories in order to make your abs look the way you want to.